

2023年12月5日,星期二,迪拜 – A 100 per cent recycling target by 2050 for the world’s aluminium drinks cans has been set by industry leaders at COP 28.

铝生产商, recyclers, 轧钢厂, can makers and industry associations have set the target having stressed the need for enhanced recycling to support the IEAs Net Zero 2050 goal.


Currently more than 70 per cent of aluminium beverage cans are recycled into new products but this figure falls short of making the complete contribution necessary for achieving the 1.5度的目标. Urgent actions for full circularity of aluminium beverage containers are needed to support decarbonisation of the aluminium sector. A little step for a large outcome as aluminium beverage containers recycle without change of quality not once but over and over again.

The number of beverage cans is set to increase from 420 billion in 2020 to 630 billion by 2030 and data has revealed that recycling all cans globally in 2030 would save 60 million tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions per year.

“Together we are calling for greater commitment from national governments and the aluminium beverage can value chain industry to accelerate beverage can recycling rates, 到2030年至少达到80%的目标,到2050年接近100%. 达到这些目标是铝行业脱碳的必要条件.坡度为5度” IAI情景和预测主管Marlen Bertram说. 为了实现这一目标,我们呼吁决策者采取以下行动:

  1. 制定国家和/或州级铝制饮料罐的回收目标.
  2. 制定政策,协助达成这些目标,并提高收集的旧饮料罐的质素.
  3. 收集并公布铝饮料罐回收率的数据,以监测进展情况.

除了, 铝行业有四项行动来提高回收率,以实现100%的目标.

  1. 扩大现有的回收能力,回收所有投放市场的易拉罐.
  2. 跟踪全球回收率.
  3. 支持智能政策,改善铝制饮料罐的收集和回收.
  4. Prioritise can-to-can recycling and maximising the recycling content through optimised alloy design and scrap purification.


  1. 阿联酋航空全球铝业(EGA) 
  2. 澳大利亚铝业协会
  3. 美国铝业协会
  4. 阿达金属包装
  5. 加拿大铝业协会
  6. 巴西 协会Alumínio (ABAL)
  7. 巴西铝饮料罐协会(Abralatas)
  8. 罐头制造商协会
  9. 欧洲铝
  10. 球公司
  11. 皇冠控股
  12. Speira
  13. Canpack集团
  14. Constellium
  15. Novelis
  16. UACJ公司
  17. 欧洲金属包装
  18. Elval
  19. 日本铝业协会
  20. UNESDA
  21. 饮料行业环境圆桌会议(BIER)
  22. 铝管理倡议(ASI)
  23. 每一罐都很重要
  24. 亚洲食品工业
  25. 可能的任务伙伴关系
  26. 威立雅RECAPP
  27. 落基山研究所
  28. 泰国可持续环境包装与回收管理协会(TIPMSE)

Abdulnasser Bin Kalban,阿联酋全球铝业首席执行官, said: “Infinite recyclability is one of many reasons why aluminium is essential for the development of a more sustainable society. 铝已经是世界上回收最多的材料之一, 但仍有太多宝贵的材料被丢弃. 增加回收需要政府的支持政策和基础设施的发展. It also depends on people around the world making the right decisions every day about how to dispose of items they no longer need. 我们都有责任参与其中, 环保署亦致力发挥我们的作用,包括加强废物管理, 我们组建的阿联酋铝回收联盟的罐头制造和饮料生产商合作伙伴.”

克里斯汀·金,阿达金属包装公司可持续发展部主任 他说:“铝制饮料罐是全球回收利用最多的饮料容器之一, 我们的行业致力于将回收率提高到新的高度. 履行这一承诺, 我们呼吁国家和/或州级政府制定目标,提高回收率. 集体, 我们可以成功地回收更多的罐头, 从而节省更多的能源, 减少温室气体排放,增加收入,有助于加强循环经济.”

John OMaoileoin, CANPACK集团全球可持续发展总监, 他说:“当循环经济得到适当的发展和实施, 它有益于社会, 环境, 以及全球经济. 延长宝贵资源的使用时间不仅在道德上是正确的, 这也是最合乎逻辑的做法, 因为它有助于减少温室气体排放和浪费.”

Pierre Labat,诺贝丽斯高级副总裁,首席战略和可持续发展官 said, “作为世界上最大的铝回收商, 包括每年回收超过820亿个用过的饮料罐, Novelis continues to invest to increase our recycling capabilities and capacities with a goal of propelling the aluminum industry toward a more circular future,皮埃尔·拉巴特说, 高级副总裁, 首席战略 & 诺贝丽斯公司可持续发展官员. “一旦完成, 我们在阿拉巴马州的新工厂正在建设中, USA, 每年能回收约150亿件ubc, 使全球人口总数接近1000亿.

“同时, 我们将继续努力增加产品中可回收成分的数量, 包括我们的云顶集团糖果游戏单, 这在全球范围内已经超过了80%.”

“随着我们继续反思与IAI和其他各方合作研究的结果, we are increasingly focused on the need to act now with regard to recycling system improvement and greater industry commitment toward can-to-can recycling,” said Sandrine Duquerroy-Delesalle,可持续发展总监 & 皇冠控股对外事务.


"It is no longer enough to simply speak about solutions and their potential—it is time for us to take actionable steps including establishing and advocating for effective, 政府在铝饮料罐收集方面出台了雄心勃勃的政策, 以及旨在提高收集罐的质量.

没有强有力的政策框架, we cannot properly benefit from the circular potentials of the aluminium beverage can and achieve our industry decarbonization goals. This push for policy is among our goals at COP28 and beyond; we call on national government and our peers at this forum to mobilize with us and see what we can accomplish.”

Raphael Thevenin, Constellium战略与业务规划副总裁 said, “We count on the engagement from all governments to help implementing any measure to support the collection of aluminium beverage cans. 当饮料罐被收集时, the industry has the technology to recycle them into new aluminium products without loss of quality and with 95% less energy.”

"As Europe ́s leading aluminium rolling and recycling company it is part of our DNA to drive recycling and recycling rates in our products and solutions to its absolute maximum. Increasing the share of recycled content is key to reduce the carbon footprint of beverage cans and to contribute to the circular society. We believe in the value of circularity and transparency for the constant development towards a low- carbon society. 作为一家以目标为导向的公司,我们建立être的理由是建立一个有效的循环世界. 我们准备采取行动,并与决策者合作, industry partners and other societal stakeholders to build a framework that enables growth in recycling of aluminium beverage cans”, said Boris Kurth, Speira罐头业务和回收主管.

Panagiotis Tserolas, Elval可持续发展高级经理 他说:“给埃瓦尔, 这一呼吁是一个实现我们共同抱负和承诺的机会, in order to establish the framework and the effective policies needed to unleash the circular potential of aluminium. Increasing recycling rates of UBCs around the world is a critical step to realize our common decarbonization targets. 借助于铝的固有特性和可回收性, 我们坚信,通过集体行动我们能够取得成就, 跨越所有利益相关者, 政策制定者, 工业和消费者, 走向一个圆形, 低碳经济与社会.”

Ramon Arratia, 球公司首席可持续发展官 他说:“循环脱碳途径比线性脱碳途径更快、更有效. 我们呼吁制定雄心勃勃的政策和承诺,充分释放社会潜力, 循环的经济和气候效益.”

真嗣田中, Director, 常务行政主任, UACJ企业可持续发展部门负责人 该组织表示:“回收铝对于提高饮料罐行业的可持续性至关重要. 因此,UACJ同意“呼吁加速铝饮料罐循环”. 我们从三个关键点来考虑铝回收的重要性. 第一点是减少温室气体排放. 二是矿山矿产资源循环利用. 最后一点是保护自然资本. UACJ优先考虑横向回收, 包罗罐头到罐头, 实现一个铝被无限利用的社会.”

铝制饮料罐的回收率达到100%, is done against a backdrop of the aluminium industry dealing with rising demand for the metal while achieving decarbonisation.

工业脱碳模型, 由IAI介绍, IEA, and MPP, indicate that the aluminium sector has a much higher chance to achieve the required reduction in emissions if it maximises collection and recycling at the end of life.


IAI: media@international-aluminium.org


The International Aluminium Institute (IAI) is the only body representing the global primary aluminium industry. The Institute has the most comprehensive global data on Aluminium with more than 50 years of analysis on production, 消费, 能源使用和环境影响. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.international-aluminium.org,或与我们联系 X and LinkedIn.